Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you source your vintage items from?

Our inventory is hand-picked from local antique shops, Facebook marketplace, and friends and family in the greater New Jersey area. All our items are unique and one-of-a-kind. You won’t find these amazing vintage items anywhere else!

Do you deliver your items to the designated event site?

Of course! Every item you rent from Ash & Vines can be delivered to your destination site by our amazing moving team with the utmost of care. Delivery fees are based upon mileage from our home location in Monmouth County, NJ and are added onto your decor package pricing.

Why should I rent from Ash & Vines?

Renting rather than buying large items for your big day saves you both time and money. You’ll also avoid being stuck with a bunch of party supplies, furniture, table numbers, etc. that you will no longer need after your big day. We’re a dedicated husband and wife duo who know the ins and outs of creating a truly amazing vintage vision and we want to help you bring that same vision to reality!

I want to rent something! What are the steps to contacting Ash & Vines?

Take a look around our website and please feel free to reach out to us via our “Get in Touch” page with any questions or concerns you may have. We’d love to work with you and once we know a little more about you and your vision for your big day, we can accurately give you pricing and the next steps for moving your rental forward.

If you are looking for our Rental Agreement Form please click here.